7 July - 25 July 2025, Fred Kavli Knowledge Center, Eresfjord, Norway

Computational Neuroscience and Inference from data are disciplines that extensively use tools from Mathematics and Physics to understand the behavior of model neuronal networks and analyze data from real experiments. Due to its interdisciplinary nature and the complexity of the neuronal networks, the list of techniques that are borrowed from Physics and Mathematics is an extensive one. Although using tools from standard curriculum of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering is common, more advanced research requires methods and techniques that are not usually covered in any single discipline.
To fill in this gap, this summer school covers some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars (5-6 main lectures per topic and 1-2 seminars by each invited seminar speaker).
Organizers: Ines Samengo, Nicolai Waniek, and Ivan Davidovich
Lectures (this is not a final list)
Information theory and inference
Statistical mechanics of neural networks
Dynamics of neural networks
Dimensionality Reduction

Invited lecturers and seminars speakers (this is not a final list and might change)
Sara Solla, Northwestern University, USA
Predrag Cvitanović, Georgia Tech, USA
Carina Curto, Brown University, USA
Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, NTNU, Norway
Juan Gallego, Imperial College London, UK
Inés Samengo, Balseiro Institute, Argentina
Valeria Fascianelli, Columbia University, USA
Christian Machens, Champalimaud, Portugal
Nicolai Waniek, NTNU, Norway
Iván Davidovich, NTNU, Norway
Federico Stella, Donders Institute, the Netherlands
Melvin Vaupel, NTNU, Norway
Yoram Burak, ELSC, Israel
Arvind Kumar, KTH, Sweden
Some speakers will join in-person and others remotely. Due to administrative issues, we are currently unable to broadcast the talks openly via Zoom.

Applications for 2025 are now OPEN!
The deadline for applications is March 31st at 11:59PM CET. The results of the selection process will be communicated by email around mid April.
The summer school is aimed at PhD students, but Master's students who are expected to have defended their thesis by the time the school starts and postdocs in their first year are also welcome to apply.
There are no registration fees for the school. Accommodation and food (except for alcohol) will be covered by the school for all students selected to participate. Participating students must attend the school in person for its whole duration. Students should expect to be assigned a shared bedroom.
Ground transportation between Molde and the Fred Kavli Knowledge Center will be provided by the school on a pre-determined schedule on both arrival and departure days (July 7th and 25th, respectively).
Non-NRSN students: Students that don't belong to NRSN will need to find their own funding to cover their travel expenses from their place of residence to Molde (and back).
NRSN students: NRSN can cover your travel expenses. Please check https://www.ntnu.edu/nrsn/grants.
Supported by:

About the Fred Kavli Knowledge Center
The Fred Kavli Knowledge Center is located in the family farm where Fred Kavli grew up. It is surrounded by the scenic area of Eresfjord and is a gathering place for programs that stimulate curiosity, innovation, and big ideas.